Monday, October 22, 2007

Pool time in Scottsdale

Mom and Dad took me to the Valley Ho Hotel for Lindsay & Mike's wedding. It was so fun and I even got in the pool for the first time!

My first visit to Ohio

Here are some pics with my Grandma and Grandpa Noward...Great Aunt Pam came to visit from Raleigh, Aunt Megs came up from school at University of Kentucky, and Aunt Lacha drove down from was sooo fun!

Sonogram 03.19.07

Sonogram 03.19.07
Baby V's profile.

A sneak peak of Baby V!

This is the first picture of Baby V. We are so excited! The baby is certainly active and was moving around a lot for us...Mike thinks the baby looks like a boy, but has Michelle's features...My intuition is leaning towards a girl. It has been so fun to wonder and guess!